최근의 항공기는 금연이 기본이므로 금연 표시등은 항상 켜져 있지만, 안전벨트 표시등은 비행 상황에 따라 꺼지거나 켜집니다. 표시 상태가 변할 때에는 "딩" 소리도 함께 들리게 됩니다.
안전벨트 표시등(Seatbelt sign)은 파일럿이 비행 상황에 맞게 조종석에서 조작합니다.
이러한 안전벨트 표시등은, 승객에게 안전벨트 착용을 알리는 기능 외에도, 조종사와 객실승무원 간의 통신 수단으로도 사용됩니다. 비행중 안전벨트 표시등의 조작 방법은 다음과 같습니다.
1. 출발 공항에서 승객이 탑승하기 이전에, 안전벨트 표시등을 켜 놓습니다.
2. 출발 시간이 되어 비행기가 움직이기 시작하면, 객실 승무원들은 승객들에게 비상시 탈출 요령 등을 설명하면서, 승객들이 모두 안전벨트를 착용했는지 확인합니다.
3. 이륙할 활주로에 가까워지면, 조종사는 안전벨트 표시등을 껐다 켰다 반복하여 차임 소리가 울리게 합니다. (모 항공사의 경우, ON → OFF → ON → OFF후 바로 ON하여 3번 울리게 합니다) "Cabin crew, prepare for take-off." 또는 "Flight attendants, please be seated for departure."와 같은 안내방송을 곁들여 주면 더 좋습니다. 이 소리를 듣고 객실 승무원은 서비스를 정리하고 자리에 돌아가 앉습니다.
4. 비행 상황에 따라 다르지만 대략 이륙 후 4~10분이 지나면 비행 고도가 10000ft(약 3km)를 넘어섭니다. 안정적인 고도를 확보했으므로, 기류가 안정되어 있다면 조종사는 안전벨트 표시등을 끕니다. 그때부터 승객은 걸어다니거나 화장실을 갈 수 있습니다. 객실 승무원들도 자리에서 일어나 헤드폰 서비스나 음료 서비스 등을 시작합니다. 만약 기류가 불안하여 흔들림이 있다면, 안전벨트 표시등을 OFF했다 ON하여 10000ft를 넘었지만 계속 착석하라고 알립니다.
5. 비행중에는 대부분 안전벨트 표시등을 꺼둡니다. 하지만 항로상의 레이더에 기류가 불안한 구름이 감지되거나, 공기의 흐름이 일정하지 않은 경우 등 조종사가 흔들림을 예상할 때에는 안전벨트 표시등을 켭니다.
6. 목적지에 접근하면 서서히 고도를 낮추기 시작합니다. 하강하다 20000ft 이하로 내려오면 안전벨트 표시등을 껐다 켰다 반복하여 차임 소리가 울리게 합니다. (모 항공사의 경우, 이륙 준비와 같이 3번 울리게 합니다) "Cabin crew, prepare for landing"과 같은 안내방송을 곁들이기도 합니다. 이 소리를 듣고 객실 승무원은 헤드폰과 같은 서비스 물품을 회수하는 등 착륙을 준비합니다. 약 15~20분 후에 목적지 공항에 도착한다고 안내방송을 하는 경우도 있습니다.
7. 더 하강하여 10000ft 이하로 내려오면 안전벨트 표시등을 켭니다. 이때부터 승객은 자리에서 일어날 수 없습니다.
8. 비행기가 활주로에 안전하게 착륙하고, 공항을 서서히 이동하여 게이트에 도착하면, 주차 브레이크를 걸고 엔진을 끈 다음 안전벨트 표시등을 끕니다. 승객들은 모두 일어나 짐을 꺼내어 비행기에서 내리게 됩니다. 간혹 성질 급한 사람들은 비행기가 지상에서 이동하는 동안 일어나려고 하는 경우가 있는데, 이것은 매우 위험하고 몰상식한 행동입니다.
GETCha (Google Earth Taxi Chart Generator) for Flight Simulator V1.1
This is a simple utility to draw airport taxiway chart to view with Google Earth,
using Flight Simulator's AFCAD data.
It can generate taxiway chart of any airport in the world (as long as it exists in FS).
If it's hard or troublesome for you to find taxiway charts of
all the airports you visit, this utility can be helpful.
No installation or setup process is required. Just unzip and run "GETCha11.exe".
Taxiway data file("t5.csv") should be in same folder with the "GETCha11.exe" file.
Google Earth should be installed prior to running.
----- HOW TO USE -------------------------------------------
Run "GETCha11.exe", and enter ICAO code(4 digits) of the airport you want to see.
(e.g. RKSI, KLAX, EDDF, ...)
"TaxiChart_<Airport ICAO Code>.kml" file will be generated.
You can open it immediately or later with Google Earth.
Yellow thick line with red star paddle is long taxiway (>1km),
Green thin line with white paddle is short taxiway.
Chart is based on your AFCAD data,
so it can match a little bit inaccurately with Google Earth if your scenery is inaccurate (like FS default airport).
----- TO USE WITH ADD-ON SCENERY ---------------------------
To use at airport where add-on scenery is installed,
- Download "MakeRwys" utility at Peter Dowson's homepage (http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html).
- Put it at FS root folder and run.
- "t5.csv" will be generated. Copy "t5.csv" to GETCha folder (overwrite the old).
Taxi Navigation (+Destination Weather Reporter) for FSX/FS2004 V1.0
Do you prepare airport charts of every airport you visit, or just follow the progressive taxi to do taxiing?
This utility will make taxiing easy and realistic by providing simple taxi navigation information in text.
While taxiing, press "Ctrl + Shift + X", then taxi navigation information will be displayed.
It includes current taxiway name, intersecting taxiways' name and distance.
(e.g. "On R7 : R2 (250m), R1 (643m), A (748m), A7 (748m)")
And one more thing, it also provides destination weather report.
It can be very helpful to set up exact T/D(Top of Descent), by assuming expected runway with wind information.
Enter destination airport before flight, and press "Ctrl + Shift + W" while flying,
then destination weather information will be displayed.
It looks like METAR and includes wind direction and speed, visibility, temperature, dew point and pressure.
(e.g. "RKPK 29403KT 47SM 32/23 1010mb")
No installation or setup process is required. Just unzip and run "FsTaxiNavi10.exe".
Taxiway data file("t5.csv") and configuration file("FsTaxiNavi.ini") should be in same folder with the "FsTaxiNavi10.exe" file.
FSUIPC should be installed.
In [General] section in "<FS Folder>/Modules/FSUIPC.ini" file,
it is recommended to add "WhiteMessages=Yes" to change text color from RED to WHITE, so that it's clearer to read.
----- HOW TO USE -------------------------------------------
Run "FsTaxiNavi10.exe" before or after running Flight Simulator.
It automatically connects with FS and works.
To use destination weather reporter function, enter destination airport ICAO code at the window.
(e.g. KLAX, EDDF, RKSI, ...)
While taxiing, press "Ctrl + Shift + X" and taxi navigation information will be displayed.
While flying, press "Ctrl + Shift + W" and destination weather report will be displayed.
You can change hot-key settings and display time by editing the configuration file("FsTaxiNavi.ini").
----- TO USE WITH ADD-ON SCENERY ---------------------------
To use at airport where add-on scenery is installed,
- Download "MakeRwys" utility at Peter Dowson's homepage (http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html).
- Put it at FS root folder and run.
- "t5.csv" will be generated. Copy "t5.csv" to FsTaxiNavi folder (overwrite the old).
FsRaas (Runway Awareness and Advisory System for FSX/FS2004) V2.0
Thanks for so many feedbacks from FsRaas V1.1 users!
They helped me a lot to make upgraded FsRaas V2.0.
The Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS) is an electronic detection system developed by Honeywell.
It provides flight crew members with information concerning the aircraft's position relative to an airport's runway
during taxi, takeoff, final approach, landing and rollout to improve situational awareness and reduce the likelihood of a runway incursion.
FsRaas V2.0 includes following RAAS functions :
Approaching Runway(On Ground), On Runway, Takeoff Flaps, Extended Hold On Runway,
Short Runway Takeoff, Distance Remaining(Rejected Takeoff), Taxiway Takeoff,
Approaching Runway(Landing), Short Runway Landing, Taxiway Landing,
Distance Remaining(Landing & Rollout), Runway End(<100 feet), Landing Flaps,
Too High, Too Fast, Unstable, Deep Landing, Distance Remaining(Long Landing).
It also provides landing report which displays <V/S at touchdown>,
<Touchdown Distance>, <Centerline Deviation> after vacating runway.
To watch FsRaas video demo, please visit "youtu.be/wDlIMjAUn0s" and "youtu.be/dUH7gAj24MY".
To learn more about Honeywell RAAS, please visit "https://honeywellrunwaysafety.com/demos.php".
1. Approaching Runway : Delays between callouts are reduced.
2. On Runway : Delays between callouts are reduced.
3. Takeoff Flaps : Minimum takeoff flaps can be set in "FsRaas.ini".
4. Extended Hold On Runway : Implemented. Maximum hold time can be set in "FsRaas.ini".
5. Short Runway Takeoff : Added. Minimum takeoff runway length can be set in "FsRaas.ini".
6. Distance Remaining (Rejected Takeoff) : This callout is made only during braking, not during taking-off.
7. Taxiway Takeoff : Repeated callout is made when accelerating > 40kts again after reducing speed < 40kts.
8. Short Runway Landing : Added. Minimum landing runway length can be set in "FsRaas.ini".
9. Distance Remaining : Distance unit can be set in "FsRaas.ini". (in Feet or in Meters)
10. Landing Flaps : Added. Minimum landing flaps can be set in "FsRaas.ini".
11. Too High : Added. This callout is made when descent angle > 4.5 deg.
12. Too Fast : Added. Maximum approach ground speed can be set in "FsRaas.ini".
13. Unstable : Added.
14. Landing Report : Added.
----- REMARKS ABOUT OPTIMIZATION -----------------------------------------
I tried my BEST to optimize this program and minimize the FPS drop,
because my computer doesn't have high performance (I'm running NGX with i3 2100), and I'm an embedded system engineer. :)
FsRaas is developed in C++, and main logic runs every 1 sec (on ground) or 5 sec (in flight) or 200 msec (during landing).
If anybody experiences FPS drop using FsRaas, please let me know.
No installation or setup process is required. Just unzip and run "FsRaas20.exe".
Runway position data file("r4.csv") and configuration file("FsRaas.ini") should be in same folder with FsRaas20.exe.
<IMPORTANT!> FSUIPC version 3.987 and 4.609 or later should be installed.
----- HOW TO USE -------------------------------------------
Run "FsRaas20.exe" before or after running Flight Simulator.
It automatically connects with FS and make sounds when needed.
----- TO USE WITH ADD-ON SCENERY ---------------------------
To use at airport where add-on scenery is installed,
- Download "MakeRwys" utility at Peter Dowson's homepage (http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html).
- Put it at FS root folder and run.
- "r4.csv" will be generated. Copy "r4.csv" to FsRaas folder(overwrite the old).
* To improve performance, it is recommended to remove too short runways
by opening "r4.csv" with Excel, sorting by runway length(column G), and deleting short runways(e.g. <5000ft).
Sounds are recorded from "https://honeywellrunwaysafety.com/demos.php" and "http://imtranslator.net/translate-and-speak".
If there is a copyright problem, please let me know.
Honeywell (SmartRunway & SmartLanding system)
Peter Dowson (FSUIPC & MakeRwys)
Hyundai Motor Company
Korean Air
Thank you!