Tuesday, November 20, 2012

FsMobileFMC(FMC Controller with Mobile Devices for PMDG NGX) V1.0

This tool enables you to enter 737 NGX's FMC input with "TOUCH" screen of your mobile devices.
There are some mobile apps that moves your PC screen to mobile display,
but they have restrictions(e.g. Windowed mode only) and effect on FS performance(FPS drop).

FsMobileFMC is extremely lightweight so it has nearly no effect on FS performance.
It works with any mobile devices(Smartphone or tablet, Android or iOS).
You don't need to install any mobile apps, but can just use the web browser(Chrome or Safari).
It only displays input keys excluding output screen, so you also have to look at FMC output screen on PC.

----- INSTALLATION -----------------------------------------

No installation or setup process is required. Just unzip and run "FsMobileFMC10.exe".

----- HOW TO USE -------------------------------------------

Your PC and mobile device should be connected to a same network.
(e.g. Wi-fi via Home router)

Run "FsMobileFMC10.exe", and your IP address will be shown.

With your mobile device(Android, iPhone, iPad, ...), run web browser(Chrome or Safari),
connect to your IP address, and FMC/CDU input screen will be displayed.

Run FSX & NGX and enjoy mobile FMC "touch"!

----- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS -------------------------------------

PMDG for the great aircraft NGX, and the SDK.
Hyundai Motor Company, Korean Air

Enjoy your flight!

Dongjin Shin
November 2012

<Download at http://sites.google.com/site/planeman98/FsMobileFMC10.zip>


  1. Nice tool and works here with Android Dolphin browser, but couldn't you make it with an FMC bitmap? As it is, the button layout is a bit awkward.

    1. Layout of LSK(Line Shift Key)s is set differently from real CDU to save screen space, but I agree that it's not intuitive to use. I'm trying to make new version with new layout same as real, and with new darker color to save power. I'm also trying to use real image. Thanks.

    2. That's good, i'm looking forward to that one.

  2. Hello, is there a way to change the listening address? I have several NICs in the computer and quite a few IPs and the server app picks the lowest one which is not the one that belongs to my home WiFi. An INI file where I could fill the "bind to" IP address would be nice.

    1. I think it's useful function, so I implemented your idea, and applying it to FsMobileFMC will be finished in a few days. Thank you for your nice suggestion!

    2. Great, looking forward to it :)

  3. Hi there,
    I sent you a message to the email address.
    Please reply :)

  4. The idea is amazing, however I can't seem to find this tool useful
    since the FMC output is not displayed on the tablet, i.e. I can't see the FMC on the tablet, only the buttons.
    that means I need to open the FMC in the NGX to see what I type, so I may as well just type it directly using the mouse.
    it only has an added value IMO when the entire FMC is displayed on the tablet as well removing the need for me to open the FMC in the FSX/NGX itself.
    but thanks for the effort.
